Dr. Vayla Lee, Superintendent of Schools - Must Read zSpace Comments

" When you take the glasses off you are walking away with a new understanding, like never before. zSpace makes learning come alive."

Valya Lee


Liberty County School District

This comment is just part of what Dr. Lee has to say about how zSpace is engaging her students in learning.  

To hear the entire 2:52 minute interview with Dr. Lee, select the link below.


Need more proof that zSpace is providing a learning experience like no other?  

Let's hear from Jeffrey Baier, Superintendent of Los Altos School District talk about how zSpace provides a meaningful and relevant experience. 

To hear the entire 2:03 minute interview with Mr. Jeffrey Baier, select the link below.


How about another testimonial from a professional educator, like you, talking about the zSpace experience? 

Listen to what Dr. Peter Licata, Director Choice and Career Options, Palm Beach Community Schools has to say. 

He is going to rave about zSpace. . 

To hear the entire 2:23 minute interview with Dr. Peter Licata, select the link below.


If you watch at least one of these interviews, you will hear how virtual reality with zSpace in the classroom has positively impacted the learning experience at these schools.  

Let us bring a zSpace demonstration to your school.

It's very easy to set up.

1) Send us an email. 

2) Let us know a good time and date to call you.  (provide a direct phone number) 

3)We will call you.